The six month coaching programme for entrepreneurs who aren’t the type to settle.

You have a business that works. Now it’s time to turn heads.

Not everyone has made it through these unpredictable years in business—but you did. Now, you’re ready to stop surviving and start thriving. The world may have been uncertain, but you adapted, stayed gritty, and kept showing up. You added value and proved you have what it takes.

Now, you’ve weathered uncertainty, it’s time to innovate and lead your industry and to do what you came here to do. To rediscover the initial spark, mission and energy that led you to start your business in the first place. You know there’s way more waiting for you just around the corner —more impact, more influence, and more growth than you ever imagined. It’s time to make your mark, leave a legacy, and transform your industry—creating a ripple effect that goes far beyond your business.

This is your moment—your next big leap is waiting.

You feel the leap calling, but are feeling uncertain about your next move, craving a thought partner who understands your journey and can support your growth.

From coaching hundreds of entrepreneurs, I’ve learned that those with the biggest impact constantly ask: How can I expand my capacity for greatness and create even more influence in the world?’

Coaching with The Ask is the antithesis of settling—it’s about not just preparing you for your next big move but then pushing you through the discomfort and growing pains that come with it — so much faster than you can get there alone.

Those questions you’re wrestling with?
We’ll answer them—and find the right path forward, together.

— The hesitations you’ve got?
Let’s deal with them and move forward, faster.

— The options you’re exploring?
Let’s pick one and land on bigger opportunities than previous years combined.

It’s time to stand tall, turn heads, and build something that shapes the future.

What to expect from High Expectations

High Expectations is a transformative coaching and mentoring programme for entrepreneurs who understand that personal growth and business success are deeply intertwined. My coaching provides both.

Expect a clear, tailored approach that’s focused on the specific areas you need to shift, grow, and build. I’ll be by your side as your coach, confidant, and strategic partner, and together, we'll ensure you don’t just meet your potential but exceed it.

We’ll work hard on these four core outcomes for you in six months:

Build your personal authority in your field, shaping the conversations and defining the future of your industry. No more holding back — this is your moment to shine.

Create a strategic plan that aligns with your bigger vision for your business, allowing you to operate with clarity, confidence, and purpose.

Develop powerful operational systems and decision-making frameworks that enable you to work smarter and grow faster.

Carve a lasting legacy, creating real, meaningful change that goes far beyond your immediate business.

Expect deep, reflective inner work paired with strategic insights and unwavering accountability—ensuring you take bold action to take your your business to new heights.

A six-month journey
and focus on
Authority, Strategy & Legacy

Your High Expectations coaching journey will be uniquely yours, tailored to the evolving challenges and opportunities you face as an ambitious entrepreneur. While I'll guide you through three key phases— i) Authority ii) Strategy iii) Legacy—how we navigate each phase will depend on your specific goals and the real-world experience you're gaining with your business.

Our 1-1 sessions are designed for high-impact problem-solving and breakthroughs, focusing on your most pressing questions and strategic decisions whilst maintaining your sense of balance and calm as you manage changes.

The real learning happens through action, and our sessions will help you refine your approach and keep you moving toward your bigger vision. To support you between sessions, you'll have the High Expectations Workbook—a flexible resource filled with prompts, frameworks, and ideas you can draw on when needed, ensuring steady progress each month.

Coaching is about empowering you to take bold steps, make strategic moves, and build a standout business—while ensuring our time together is focused on what drives the most lasting impact.

Months 1-2 - Build AUTHORITY and step into the leadership role your industry demands

  • You are more than just a business owner—you are the brand. This pillar focuses on establishing you as an authoritative figure in your field.

    When you look around your industry, at the other players, the current status quo and buyer behaviour — what do you notice? Its time to say what you see. A business that turns heads isn’t afraid to stick its neck out and express an opinion. You can create positive change when you hold everyone to higher standards around you.

    • Uncover your big beliefs and powerful authority message that turns heads and makes people take notice — from customers, investors, collaborators to future mentors.

    • Build unshakeable confidence: You’ll develop a strong voice in your niche, making decisions from a place of deep self-assurance.

    • Amplify your voice so that your message stands out, not just in your niche but across the industries your work touches upon; positioning you as the expert that others turn to when they need inspiration, insight, and innovation.

    • Become a guide, a leader, and a visionary, showing others the way forward. In a world that needs bold leaders, you will be one of them.

  • I’ll challenge your thinking and push to you pursue your boldest ideas. Expect us to dig deep here — your Authority comes from lived experience. Its my role to unearth those deeply rooted beliefs, ideas and your calling. It is often about admitting what is obvious, and then guiding you to step into bigger shoes than you’ve been in until now.

    Sometimes these questions are painful; doubts and fears will come up (“Who am I to pursue this?”).

    My role is to guide you through the self-awareness required to uncover where you’ve been holding back and open up the space for a bolder, more strategic version of yourself to emerge. No one said this would be easy!

Month 3-4 - Sharpen your STRATEGY and make critical operational decisions

  • Once you’ve established your authority, it’s time to turn your attention to strategy. Here, we’ll shift from mindset to action—taking the bold decisions you’ve been working on and translating them into strategic, sustainable growth. You’ve been in business long enough to know where you’re excellent, and, where you’ll trip up.

    Together, we’ll evaluate your current operations through the lens of market realities, emerging technologies like AI, and your unique contribution and positioning.

    You’ll make a tonne of decisions, often letting go of what hasn’t served you so far so that you can rise to the next version of yourself and meet your expectations for your business. I’ll support you as your strategic thought partner to set up the machine that will deliver on your biggest goals.

    • Review the data of your business until now, but make new plans based on the new expectations you have for yourself, your business, and the world around you.

    • Craft a powerful business strategy by identifying the highest-impact opportunities to ensure you’re ready for the next level of growth—without burnout.

    • Sharpening your decision-making: Through proven mental models and decision-making frameworks, you’ll learn how to make moves with unwavering clarity, so every choice aligns with your vision for the future.

    • Go deep into your sales and marketing, operations and systems to design the future infrastructure that will allow you to grow sustainably.

  • This stage is about growing your self trust and intuition —I’ll help you to gather the all-important data, but then, support you to tune into your gut feel about the right actions for YOU.

    I’ll be support you to make decisions with frameworks and mental models you can apply to make faster, more strategic, and clearer than any changes you’ve made before.

Month 4-5 - Create your LEGACY and make a mark on the world

  • Your legacy is built on action, not mere words and ideas. This is your time to make your mark through consistent, courageous actions that turn heads and exceed your expectations.

    You’ll step into the world as the Authority you’ve built.  And your journey requires redefining what success means, ensuring your impact is made where it matters to you and to those you came here to serve.

  • As we approach the final months, our focus will shift to taking decisive actions that establish your legacy. In this phase, we might explore conversations and collaborations that will define your industry, along with developing a clear visibility strategy.

    The exact actions will depend on your business’ focus but expect example tasks such as:

    • Establishing strategically important relationships

    • Raising your profile with ongoing visibility efforts — this is where your authority becomes a true asset to your business.

    • Producing content that will best reflect your biggest ideas—whether thats a book, podcast, or video series—designing the assets that will resonate with your audience and solidify your place as a thought leader.

    • Make strides toward securing funding, raising your profile through industry awards, or achieving certifications that set you apart

  • Preparation for this phase involves deep self-reflection and a commitment to step outside your comfort zone. Anticipate that you may encounter questions like: “How can I create a lasting impact?” and “What legacy do I truly want to leave?”

    These questions can sometimes feel daunting, and you may grapple with self-doubt or fear of taking bold actions. My role is to support you in navigating these feelings, encouraging you to embrace discomfort as a catalyst for growth. You will uncover new opportunities and pathways that align with your vision, as you step more fully into your position as an influential leader.

    No one said this journey would be easy, but it's within this challenging space that your most significant breakthroughs will occur. Together, we will prepare you to face these challenges head-on, equipping you to take meaningful steps toward your legacy.

  • 12 intensive business coaching sessions tailored to your unique goals and challenges.

  • Direct access to me between sessions, so you can get real-time feedback and ensure your progress is constant.

  • A High Expectations manifesto to guide our six months together— with prompts, frameworks and resources to complement your self-discovery and the work you do out in the field. The manifesto also ensures that our sessions are reserved for your most pressing questions and insights.

  • A detailed audit of your business, with a custom map of the work we’ll do together, making sure we’re aligned from the get-go.

  • Hands-on feedback and editorial direction on your content to ensure it speaks to your next-level audience.

  • Complimentary access to The Ask Masterclasses, covering key topics in growth, strategy, and leadership.

  • Support in preparing for pivotal meetings, pitches, and events, so that you can show up confidently and ready to shine.

Here’s what’s included inside High Expectations

This is a six-month, high-impact commitment to your growth and the legacy you’re ready to create.

The investment reflects the transformational impact you’ll experience in return.

Investment £775 per month x 6
£3985 (paid in full - 15% saving)

Have a question?

Have a question?

  • High Expectations is for established entrepreneurs who have a functional business but are looking to take it to the next level or are working out what the next phase of business might look like — exploring pivots, new options and growth agendas.

    If you're ambitious, open to growth, and not afraid of pushing your boundaries, this is for you.

    If you do not have a business please enquire via the Contact page about bespoke options/courses that I may be able to offer to for you to get set up.

  • The High Expectations program lasts up to six months, during which you'll have 12 intensive coaching sessions. These sessions are typically scheduled biweekly but can also be adapted to your preferred cadence— if you want to move faster we can meet more regularly.

    Along with the sessions, you’ll have direct access to me for support between meetings. You'll actively engage with the High Expectations workbook and suggested resources—not for the sake of completing ‘homework’; its about integrating these strategies into your business every day. I expect you to work on what we discuss continually, as it's about completely transforming your business (and life), not merely completing assignments!

  • Absolutely! The month-by-month structure is suggested as a guide to inspire and provide structure, but not to limit you. During your intake form and audit I will help you to see where the most focus areas are required to meet your personal goals and Expectations. We’ll work on exactly what you need at each point in time.

  • Expect to clarify your core Authority areas and messages, step into the shoes of a leader in your industry, create a strategic plan that aligns with your vision, develop operational systems for sustainable growth, and cultivate a legacy that drives meaningful change in the world around you.

    These pillars are powerful for reimagining your business, or strengthening it.

    These ensure you can create a sustainable business, a powerful brand, and feel super motivated, aligned and visionary in your business journey.

    Whilst other coaches might focus on quick wins (secure more clients etc) this work goes a level deeper — I know that these are the core pillars and foundations required to build a thriving business that lasts.

  • The investment is £775 per month for six months, or you can opt for a one-time payment of £3985, which offers a 15% savings.

    Please note that from January 2025 the investment for High Expectations will be increasing.

  • If you find yourself at a crossroads in your business, ready to expand your influence and make a lasting impact, this programme is likely a great fit. It is designed for those who have already demonstrated resilience and adaptability in their entrepreneurial journey but who feel the need for expert support, strategy and accountability to take it to the next level.

  • We would start with a free consultation designed to see if there is a chemistry and alignment for us working together. You can schedule that here.

    After this one hour session I’ll invite you to work with me if it feels like a fit, or suggest alternatives for you if not.

    Please note that spaces in the High Expectations programme are limited. To ensure dedicated support for each client, you'll have one week from our consultation to make your decision.

  • Absolutely. If High Expectations does not feel like a fit for your situation, but you are an entrepreneur seeking clarity, strategic business coaching and support of a slightly different nature — reach out. Either way we’d start with a conversation.

  • Absolutely, there are lots on here and here.

Sound good? Let’s do this.

Or, if you still have questions, drop me a line below!

Ready to step into your full potential?

If you’re feeling the pull of a bigger vision and you’re tired of settling for anything less than extraordinary, then this is your moment. High Expectations isn’t just about growth—it’s about creating your legacy.

If you’re ready to be held to the highest standards, challenge your thinking, and push through discomfort for the sake of your growth, then I want to work with you. This works demands High Expectations of both of us.

Are you ready to take that next step?

Schedule a complimentary consultation with me to take the first step towards building the legacy you were always meant to create.